Kristen Winn
Kristen Winn
creating art, making space

Brands & Vendors


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Apparel by Marta

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Supply & Demand

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Brine Pickles

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Of the Clay

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Adirondack Gear

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The Hayden Collective

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Joshua Tree, California

May 13th - 15th, 2017




Because we wanted something that was deeper and more human than a trade show, we coordinated workshops, demos, meals, and events to inspire, nourish, and entertain. Note that workshops require registration.



8:00 - 9:00

Meet & Greet

Say “Good Morning” to your fellow makers over coffee and cowboy fry bread courtesy of our friends at Hunter, who drove all the way from Austin!

9:00 - 10:00

Opening Ceremony

Get inspired by guest speaker and renowned artist, Ada Basque.

10:00 - 12:00

Shibori Workshop

Learn this ancient Japanese dyeing technique from artist Kris Inagaki. Register now.

12:00 - 2:00


Hunter pals bring us their signature sandwiches. Refreshments courtesy of Union Wine Co.

2:00 - 3:00

Essential Oils Workshop

Scent designers from Portland-based Violet Ferns teach us how to extract and mix essential oils for any aromatherapy need. Register now.

2:00 - 3:00

Denim Showcase

A mini fashion show of all our denim designers.

3:00 - 5:00

Herbal Medicine Demo

Chinese herbologist Ai Xiao Qun unearths the mystery of ginseng, a root that can treat your immune system, fatigue, and other ailments. Register now.

5:00 - 6:30

Mezcal Happy Hour

6:30 - 8:00

Landscape Photograpy

Jane Ellen Mark explains the basics before taking us out in the field. All are welcome!



10:00 - 12:00

Lip Balm Workshop

Learn how to make vegan scented lip balms from the folks at Salve Nation. Register now.

12:00 - 2:00

Joshua Tree Tour

Explore the natural beauty of the Mojave Desert on this three mile hike. The trail winds through Joshua Tree’s most iconic landmarks including Giant Marbles.

2:00 - 3:00


Our friends at Señoritas serve up beef, pork, fish, chicken, and vegetarian tacos with fresh guacamole.

3:00 - 4:00

Sustainable Energy Talk

Energy engineer Mariel Briggs dishes solid sustainable advice.

4:00 - 5:00

Pickling Workshop

Learn how to quick pickle from brine brewers Gordon Byun and Petra Frenkel. Fresh fruit, veggies, and herbs provided. Register now.


5:00 - 7:00


7:00 - 8:00


Barbecue pitmaster Bob Mosley smokes two whole pigs.

8:00 - 9:00


Dance-Folk band Aurora Falls gives us a sneak peek of their newest album Long River.

9:00 - 11:00


We’ll take a night hike through Joshua Tree to get away from the light pollution of the town and our campground. Flashlights and blankets recommended.


11:00 - 1:00


The friendly folks at Hunter serve up buttermilk flapjacks, honeycakes, baked eggs and bacon, house-cured sausage, and more campsite vittles.

1:00 - 2:00

Leather Showcase

See the beautiful apparel and accessories from all of our leather vendors under one tent.

2:00 - 3:00

Leather Care Demo

From cleaning to conditioning, Hyde founder Romy Bélanger shows us the simplest and most natural ways to care for our leather goods.

4:00 - 5:00

DIY Business Tips

Union Wine Co. shares what they’ve learned since becoming a larger business.

5:00 - 7:00

Closing Ceremony

We’ll say our goodbyes with positive vibes by sharing our intentions for the future, not just as small businesses, but as compassionate people.



10:00 - 12:00

Lip Balm Workshop

Learn how to make vegan scented lip balms from the folks at Salve Nation. Register now.

12:00 - 2:00

Joshua Tree Tour

Explore the natural beauty of the Mojave Desert on this three mile hike. The trail winds through Joshua Tree’s most iconic landmarks including Giant Marbles.

2:00 - 3:00


Our friends at Señoritas serve up beef, pork, fish, chicken, and vegetarian tacos with fresh guacamole.

3:00 - 4:00

Sustainable Energy Talk

Energy engineer Mariel Briggs dishes solid sustainable advice.

4:00 - 5:00

Pickling Workshop

Learn how to quick pickle from brine brewers Gordon Byun and Petra Frenkel. Fresh fruit, veggies, and herbs provided. Register now.


5:00 - 7:00


7:00 - 8:00


Barbecue pitmaster Bob Mosley smokes two whole pigs.

8:00 - 9:00


Dance-Folk band Aurora Falls gives us a sneak peek of their newest album Long River.

9:00 - 11:00


We’ll take a night hike through Joshua Tree to get away from the light pollution of the town and our campground. Flashlights and blankets recommended.

An Annual Affair

The Sonora Experience

Last year, Sonora brought together twenty-two emerging brands that ranged from apparel and accessories to wine and beer. What unified us was our love for the outdoors, getting our hands dirty, and older, more natural DIY techniques. Find out more

Away from the smog in cities, our hearts are drawn west, where the only dust is earth, and the only barrier is the sky. Head west for the silence that roars from a wild heart.
— Lily Moon River

Schedule of Events

& Demos

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Cactus Palace


Our accommodations are part hotel, part campground. Feel free to book a room, pitch a tent, park your trailer, or simply sleep under the stars. Slots will fill up fast, but we’ve secured rooms at other nearby motels so you’ll never be far from the action.




At first, there were two. Hector Gonzalez and Amara Hundt were just a couple of makers who followed each other on social media. They bonded over artisans they admired and eventually decided to meet in person. From there, they sent out a wolf cry, a call that had an unprecedented response.


Choosing inspiration over competition for a stronger community and a healthier way to do business.

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Unified by a love for the Earth and the people who live in it.

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Connecting through cohabitation and shared experience.

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